An 83-year-old woman recently boarded her first-ever flight to attend her granddaughter’s wedding, and a video of the occasion has gone viral on social media. The video, which was shared on Instagram by a page called “Badi Mummy,” has received over 6.7 million views and has touched the hearts of many online.
The video shows the elderly woman leaving for the airport with her family, and she is all smiles as she takes her first flight. The text on the video reads, “POV: Taking my first flight at 83 to attend my granddaughter’s wedding.” As the woman boards the flight with her family, the video captures the excitement and joy on her face as she embarks on this new adventure.
Many users have commented on the video, sending well-wishes and sharing their own experiences; the video has also reminded many users of their own grandparents.
This video serves as a reminder to cherish the moments and experiences we have with our loved ones, especially as they age. It also highlights the importance of family and the joy that comes from being able to share special moments with them, even if it’s something as simple as taking a flight. The woman in the video may have boarded her first flight at 83, but it’s clear from her smile that she is experiencing the excitement and wonder of it all for the first time, just like a child.