Money Heist, originally titled La Casa de Papel, has become a cult series since its debut on Netflix. The Spanish heist crime drama has engrossed audiences with its complex characters, intricate plot, powerful story line, and emotional depth. The show has two seasons in total. The first season has two parts, while the second season has three parts. If you have not binge-watched the series yet, then here are the three reasons you must get into the world of Money Heist:
1. Unexpected Plot Twists
Money Heist is a meticulously crafted series that keeps the readers on the edge of their seats. With a life a life full of twists and turns, it becomes impossible to figure out what will happen next. The perfect show that you will love binge-watching.
2. Memorable Characters
From the mastermind and charismatic Professor to the fierce Tokyo, the series has a great list of characters, each with their motivations, backgrounds, and moral dilemmas to join the heist team. Berlin, Tokyo, and Professor are some of the best examples.
3. Themes of Unity and Resistance
To have a planned heist on the Royal Mint of Spain, it needs a lot of guts to even imagine, but the team of Professor conquers because they are together in this mission, even though they have to lose a lot. The robbers’ fight against the police and the corrupt system makes it a thought-provoking experience.