Directed by Nicholas Lorini, “All Great Love” is Cory Driscoll’s first track from his upcoming full-length project, ‘Eureka Springs.’ Cory plans to release the album in the Spring of 2022. Here, this skilled musician collaborated with nine other artists from across the United States, each of them recording their performances from their own remote locations in response to the current pandemic.
Not just a recording artist, Cory Driscoll is the founder of Long Jump Records. He has been writing songs for 20 years. He also piloted the post-punk band Curious Animals in Florida from 2008-2011 and the post-rock band Young Adult from 2012-2016. Then in 2018, he released his first EP, Tropical Depression, which conveys a family forming and falling apart. And in his upcoming ‘Eureka Springs,’ it narrates a father journeying with his child to the American Heartland in search of redemption and understanding after divorce.
Speaking about the new single, “All Great Love,” Cory Driscoll commented, “It’s about accepting the inevitability of all endings and learning to appreciate any time you see eye to eye with anyone, whether it’s the first or last time.” Cory Driscoll wanted to write a love song about a happy ending rather than a sad one.
“All Great Love” is a perfect rendition showcasing the singer’s ability. To know more about Cory Driscoll, visit:, and don’t forget to follow him on Instagram: @cory_driscoll to keep up with future releases.