Modern Family is a popular American sitcom television series that aired from 2009 to 2020, entertaining audiences with its hilarious and heartwarming portrayal of an extended family. The TV series follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family. The show is popular for its clever writing, interesting characters, and unique style of mocking, which has earned it critical acclaim and numerous awards. The cast of Modern Family includes many talented actors who brought the characters to life with their stellar performances.
Watch the trailer of Modern Family here:
Cast of Modern Family
Ed O’Neill
Sofia Vergara (Instagram @sofiavergara)
Julie Bowen (Instagram @itsjuliebowen)
Ty Burrell
Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Instagram @jessetyler)
Eric Stonestreet (Instagram @ericstonestreet)
Sarah Hyland (Instagram @sarahhyland)
Ariel Winter (Instagram @arielwinter)
Nolan Gould (Instagram @nolangould)
Rico Rodriguez (Instagram @starringrico)