XXX is an action-packed American spy fiction action film series that has captivated audiences with its high-octane stunts, adrenaline-pumping sequences, and charismatic characters. The series revolves around the adventures of Xander Cage, a rebellious and skilled extreme sports athlete turned secret agent. The first movie in the series was released in 2002, the second one in 2005, and the third part was released in 2017. Each installment of the franchise is filled with thrilling spy missions, jaw-dropping stunts, and intense fight sequences. The latest movie, XXX: Return of Xander Cage, was a big success at the box office, as it collected around 346.1 million while having a budget of 85 million.
Cast of XXX (Film Series):
Vin Diesel (Instagram @vindiesel)
Samuel L. Jackson (Instagram @samuelljackson)
Ice Cube (Instagram @icecube)
Donnie Yen (Instagram @donnieyenofficial)
Deepika Padukone (Instagram @deepikapadukone)
Ruby Rose (Instagram @rubyrose)