The UNCUT WITH LUCIA series continues with an exclusive interview with acclaimed author Robert Albo, who is brave enough to experiment with a new genre in the world of literature. WorldAuthor.Org is a platform dedicated to connecting authors with their target audience. And the UNCUT WITH LUCIA series is an unwavering step in that direction.
Robert Albo has over thirty years of experience as a business executive in the high-technology industry. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School as well as a bachelor’s degree in engineering from UC Berkeley. He was always better at science and math than reading and writing, but he was always fascinated to take on new challenges.
Three years ago, Albo wrote a short story named “Escape Velocity,” and from there, the journey of an excellent writer began. He got so inspired that he took writing as a full-time career option. His first published book is “HER DARK MATTER NECKLACE,” which is a three-book visionary fiction series. He is planning to release his next novel, “A CRY FOR BEAUTY,” in the year 2021. Albo is fortunate to have a loving family and a slew of friends who supported him in making such a massive leap in his life.
In ‘Her Dark Matter Necklace,’ Albo dabbled in a new genre known as visionary fiction, in which the author combines science and spirituality. In his novel, the protagonist, Alice Blair, embarks on a journey through her dreams. The fast-paced contemporary story intertwines science speculation with a cosmic god, the meaning of life, human nature, consciousness, and friendships. Albo’s exceptional writing skills make it a must-read book, particularly for the ones seeking the meaning of life.
Robert Albo currently lives in Orinda, California, with his wife.